
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fifty Second Friday: Heads Up!

Happy third-to-last day of September! This month just flew by. And if you recall from last year, October happens to be the Vegan Month of Food (AKA Vegan MoFo). It starts on Monday. Yikes. Really snuck up on me this year...and as such have no plan! However, I do have the running series, so I thought a quick refresher was in order:
  • Mondays: What's Cooking? - there is always some great produce waiting for it's chance in the spotlight (remember Produce of the Week?). Or, I'm cooking up an old favorite with a new twist. Regardless, there will be a recipe and a (hopefully) somewhat decent photograph. 
  • Tuesdays: Food News - there is always something going on in the vast planet related to food. I'll pick out some interesting news bits and provide a little food for thought.
  • Wednesdays: My Munchable Soapbox - I may have a few opinions about food-related issues, whether they are social, political, cultural, or environmental. While not preachy, this is the day to get some facts and perspective on more heated topics on food and agriculture.
  • Thursdays: Thirst Thursday -Washington, DC has a happy hour obsession, particularly on Thursday evenings. I don't...although every so often it's nice. Instead, this day usually focuses on something related to water, which is so critical to producing food and just generally in daily life.
  • Fridays: Fifty Second Friday - yeah, that sums it up. Quick tidbit. Maybe an image or video or recipe. Ideally takes me fifty seconds to post ;)~

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