
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thirsty Thursday: Cooling Off

It continues to be crazy here in the District, so today I will let these lovely photos do most of the talking (1 picture = 1000 words, right?). What do you get when smashed peaches and basil meet? Heaven in a glass, for sure. My one tidbit, which you can now google to your heart's content, is the distinction between types of fleshy fruit. In fact, there are two basic kinds: the berries and the drupes. Now, we all kinda know what a berry is - multiple seeds, surround by the flesh (just fyi that you are eating a plant ovary...). So, an eggplant or a kiwi are considered berries. On the other hand, drupes have flesh around one, hard seed or pit, say a peach or plum. Don't let this drupiness get you blue, but rather rejoice in the very seasonal-ness of this tasty breakfast concoction. Put up your feet and enjoy!

Peach Basil Cooler
2 small, very ripe peaches, quartered
4-6 leaves basil
1/2 cup cool hibiscus tea
1/2 cup spinach leaves (optional)
Dash lemon juice (optional)

Blend away and serve. I'm on Raw Food Thursdays, Wellness Weekends, and Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays this time around!

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