
Friday, February 12, 2010

And in the Morning, I'm Making Bagels!

Hail to the all mighty O!

Oh, that loveable, carb-laden, slice-able O! Smear it with cream cheese and layer it with lox (neither of which I eat anymore). Dip it in peanut butter or make a sandwich with cucumber and hummus. Oh, bagels, how I love thee. Last Saturday was not the first time I had tackled the challenge of baking bagels from scratch, and I am nearly positive it won't be the last. This time, though, my recipe didn't call for 6 hours of refrigeration prior to boiling! By actually following the directions, you can achieve reliably good results - and reasonably sized bagels, to boot! Eat them warm and toasty or freeze for later toaster action.

My little O's of dough rising in the afternoon.
Don't be afraid to let these boil for the full 3 minutes called for.

In the past couple of weeks, I also had excellent luck with this lovely sourdough ciabatta. It was even unnecessary to freeze the second loaf, because it was quickly consumed. These vegan chocolate chip cookies also made their debut for Love Your Library Week at my mom's school. With a hint of molasses, these are not your typical chocochippers, but they are even better if you throw in some oats and dried cranberries!

More to come in the ensuing weeks...or until one of these job things comes through.

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